Read more stories on my personal blog "Stitched"

I got strip searched at Ben Gurion Airport. Thinking about it now, I could tell it was coming. I just didn’t want to believe it. Luckily, I arrived at the airport two and a half hours in advance of my flight to be safely on time with all of the COVID-related measures...

I could never only do quantitative research. The experience of being in the field and having direct contact with people whose lives and experiences I analyze and write about is like no other. It is for me what makes social science research worthwhile...

We drove into Prijedor in the early afternoon. I must admit I didn’t recognize anything until we reached the city, then the memories began to materialize. When we crossed a bridge over river Sana, I saw Hotel Prijedor on my right...

My favorite thing about the first Haifa-Jerusalem train is the sunrise. I never catch where on the route it appears, but it always makes a grand entrance, bleeding intense shades of red, orange, and yellow through the thick hazy gauze covering what might otherwise be entirely blue skies...